Tuesday 17 June 2014

Must Love Dogs

It has been a very strange start of the day today. It all started with a really pleasant dream that cast very random characters, most of whom I actually know in real life. The theme was "new relationship", and it was quite hilarious that I am a cynic in real life, whereas in contrast, my dream-self was loving the cheesiness of it all. It must have been all the Sims games I have been playing. As expected, I encountered the tug-of-war with dream vs. reality: I was constantly being woken up, and then I turn in bed and try to go back to sleeping because I felt like
I still wanted to know what would happen next in the dream. In the midst of the turning, my eyes gazed to the direction of the clock and realized I have missed my morning alarm! 

And so the day officially began. I've attempted to turn my phone on, only to learn that the battery has gone flat, hence the missing alarm. The first thought in my head was if I should call work and tell them I will be late today. Fueled by adrenaline, I managed to get ready (and still look human) in time, with enough margin left to travel and get to work, photo finish. On the way to work, I was somewhat distracted/entranced by my train neighbor's eau-de-laundry-not-properly-dried. My mind wandered off to thinking about Innu and Queenie, our pet dogs back home in Manila. I thought, it would be nice to have a pet here to make my life more meaningful. Unlike a child, I won't need to send the pet to school to pay for tuition. Unlike a kid, it won't sneer at me and hate me for not buying it an iPhone. I was about to message my landlady to ask if I can have pets at home, but being the commitment-phobe that I am, I chickened out and opted for the more convenient option: Pet sitting. 

So I am now an official dog-walker, waiting for my first assignment! I've bothered with so much blabber just to tell you that. :P 

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