Sunday 6 October 2013

This may or may not be fiction

I met him on the morning September 10th. He paced his words, acted mostly disinterested, shook my hand and forgot to offer me a beverage. Detached and disinterested, these were exactly the words I would use to describe how he appeared for the first 5 minutes. 

He started asking the most annoying questions, structurally charged with assumption. But somewhere in the conversation, he got comfortable. I saw the "spurts" of excitement, and I saw the transformation from robot to human being before my eyes. It then became one of those dates I wished that never ended. I found myself enjoying his company, learning more about him; all the while amused with myself for being able to remember that I can really speak English. "This guy can really push my buttons," I thought to myself. It also dawned on me how he would only talk about himself in short sentences and would seem uncomfortable doing so. I have a couple of theories, but I have yet to test them.

It has been four times that we have met in the last 3 weeks. Every time, I would find myself wanting for the hours to be longer. I am intrigued; he is somewhat strangely familiar but completely new at the same time. 

Now, I'm starting to dislike the fact that I have a semi-eidetic memory in the sense that I remember things people say all the time. It gives me a lot of opportunity to over analyze, especially when my energies are not fully consumed in the day. However, even if I do over analyze his script recorded in total recall, I am neither filled with frustration or anxiety. This, to me, is new.

Is it my psyche? Rediscovering maturity? Not giving a shit? I like discovering new feelings that have until now been alien to me. What button is he going to push next?

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